Wonderful to have our friend Nicol Cricket back with us at Hope at Home! Her post, Pregnancy of the Heart from last year really touched us. Originally from South Africa, living now in the UK, Nicol and her husband Thomas are parents of "the best two children in the whole world!" They have experienced the great lows of infertility, financial ruin, death of parents, Thomas going through heart failure resulting in receiving a pace maker; and they have lived in some awesome highs, the highest of which is the adoption of her two children. To date they have adopted two children from South Africa, Noa-Joy their daughter who is African and is seven years old, and their son Elijah who is four and is of mixed race--with many more still in their hearts.
~Still time to take advantage of our Early Bird Registration Rate for Hope at Home 2013, September 27-28!
The Adopters: Fierce and Untamed
I have been hearing a lot about faith lately and what is required to have it. The word "brave" seems to go hand in hand with the word faith.But since this has been mulling around in me and I have gone deeper into the meaning of being brave, I have understood that in order to advance the kingdom, untamed bravery is required. Matthew 11:11-12 says that the kingdom of God is advancing violently and it is violent men who take hold of it. The children that God has blessed us with, our adopted children, are the ones who can’t get to us on their own; it is us who need to go and get them-- "to take hold" of them.
Pushing Through
You see it is this fierce living, this untamed bravery, that empowers you to push pass all the barriers in order to get what God has planned for you. Sometimes there is pain along the way, disappointment and delays. You have to push through all of that, because it is untamed bravery that you possess, allowing you to feel compassion. Compassion is a place where you decide to love anyway, regardless of the situation. Even when you are scared or feel powerless, compassion enables you to press in to places you would normally avoid because of the fear or powerlessness you feel.I will see the social worker as being on my side to advance the kingdom. I will pray brave prayers of moving papers into the right hands, divine appointments and favor. Instead of seeing orphanages as desperate places, government red tape as powerless situations that cause fear and beckon me to retreat, I want to be motivated by Kingdom compassion, by this fierce love that refuses to be contained or tamed and presses right through the wall of fear to receive all the victories God has for me.
Untamed Bravery and Co-laboring
Thank you for your Untamed Bravery!
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