Thursday, October 27, 2011


From Stephen Templeton:

Beth and I both vividly remember the first full blown fit our first (birth) child threw. Boy were we unprepared-- we gave her that first sip of Coca Cola and then dared to take the cup away from her chubby little grasp, resulting in one seriously angry child! Her fit was epic--the stuff of Templeton Family legend, still retold at family gatherings! However, our experience in parenting our adopted children has exposed us to a kind of anger that comes from a deeper place, and one that has provoked in us emotions that have alarmed us, feelings of anger and frustration that took us completely by surprise.  

We had planned on addressing this topic of Anger at Hope at Home 2011-- not just the anger so common in a child who has a difficult past, but also our own anger as parents when faced with the often hurtful actions and words directed at us by the child we are trying to love. As the saying goes, "hurt people hurt people." We weren't able to work this topic in to the conference, so we thought we'd create a webinar forum and trust God to use it effectively. One thing we know, when we get caught up in our child's anger the outcome is never what we desire. If you haven't read our post, "Parenting in Grace: Identity" you might find it helpful in finding ways to parent a child who is going through a difficult time. And mark your calendars for our webinar.

Join us for our WEBINAR, "DEALING WITH ANGER: IN YOU AND YOUR CHILD"     November 7, 7:30-8:30 pm

It is quite common for adopted children to struggle with anger, so in this follow up Hope at Home Webinar we will be discussing how to successfully manage and handle anger in your child. We will be discussing strategies to help your child understand and more constructively manage his/her intense feelings and anger. We'll talk about how anger is a secondary feeling and response, and that helping your child understand and recognize the primary emotions and triggers are important steps in effectively managing strong anger responses. We'll discuss how you can help your child develop self restraint and how to help him/her develop a different response when anger triggers occur.

Anger can also be a common struggle for adoptive parents for a variety of reasons. We'll spend some time discussing how to constructively deal with and control our anger response as parents.

While these understandings can be very helpful, God's supernatural healing touch is what we all need. We will spend some time praying for deep emotional healing that only God can provide for our adopted children.

We look forward to having you join us. 
For more information and to register click HERE.

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