Thursday, February 2, 2012


God's Promises for our Children

If you read the previous post, NOT ONE, you know that sometimes God gives us parents promises for our children. Sometimes we hear them as direct words from Him. Sometimes they are simply desires deep in our hearts. Or often there will be a scripture we feel God has given us for our child's life and future. However these words and promises come, they are more than just nice thoughts and touching stories. I believe these words are actually given to us to put to use in our parenting, and especially in our intercession for our children. 

When we were in the process of our second adoption Stephen and I were asking God for a scripture for our sons. We wanted to catch a little of what the Lord was up to since we were bringing home two complete strangers into our family. We figured that God knew some things that would be helpful to us! The scripture we were drawn to was the beginning of Psalm 40

 I waited patiently for the LORD;
   he turned to me and heard my cry.
 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
   out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
   and gave me a firm place to stand.
 He put a new song in my mouth,
   a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the LORD 
   and put their trust in him.

Weapons in Our Hands

As the years have gone by, Holy Spirit has reminded us of this verse. And we have seen it as a promise from God for these boys. That God would place their feet firmly on a solid rock, that they would have a song in their mouths that would cause many people to recognize God's goodness. This scripture wasn't given to us just for our adoption announcement. We have realized that God led us to this scripture so that we would have a vision for what He is doing in our sons' lives. And with that vision, we would partner with Him to see it come to pass. Now that is some exciting work to be a part of! 
When things have been tough, we have learned to remember the things the Lord has said to us about our children. We have learned to recognize the scripture and God's words to us as powerful tools in our parenting. Actually, we have come to see them as weapons in our hands.

In 1 Timothy 2:18 Paul exhorts Timothy, 

 Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well

The Good Fight of Faith
As we pray in faith from God's Word and from His words and promises to us, as we "recall" them, we find that we have weapons to fight in the battle for our children's healing and restoration. 1 Timothy 6:12 tells us that we are fighting a good fight-- we "fight the good fight of faith" by holding on to the promises of God. 

What promises have you received from Him for your children? Are there any scriptures you feel God has given to your family or to your individual children? I encourage you to recall them, to write them down, to pray them, to share them with the family, and mostly, believe them as you fight this good fight of faith to see God's eternal purposes manifested in the life of these precious children. AMEN!

It would be a gift to our Hope at Home community if you could share some of the promises and scriptures God has given you. As we read them I think God will use them to build up our faith and maybe also to speak His thoughts to us. Thank you!


  1. OK. Here it goes. I know this is a very popular verse, nonetheless, this is the verse that has resounded in my heart and mind throughout the adoption of our daughter who is newly home now two months-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."-Jeremiah 29:11. I had contemplated keeping my daughter's Chinese name as her first name, but she insisted that she wanted an American name. My husband liked "Monique", but it never really "felt" right to me. Regardless, I told my husband OK. We brought the name up to our daughter over SKYPE, and she did not like it at all. She wanted "Tina", which is our youngest daughter's name. Thus, the search began for a name that was as close to "Tina" as possible. We ended up with "Katrina", figuring we would call her "Trina" for short and it is also a different version of my mother's name and my middle name. The other day, my youngest daughter had a school project in which she had to find her name's meaning. Trina asked me what her name meant. I told her "pure". I knew this before, but I had never really thought about it. At that moment, I saw a girl whose past was somewhat kept from her in her home country, because they didn't want her to feel bad. Culturally, some would think she came from an impure background, which might shame her. I thought about how our Lord is going to give us new names in heaven and how he makes all things new. I thought about his abundant grace and mercy, and I knew that "Katrina" was absolutely the right name for my dear little one. Her background is part of her story, but she has been given a new life-adopted into a family that hopefully can take part in giving her a hope and a future.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful story! I love that-- Pure. I love that this is her name-- not shamed one, or one with a sad past. And "Yes and Amen" to Jeremiah 29:11! What wonderful plans God has for this precious girl!! Let it be for Katrina Lord, as you have said.
