Marriage Monday
Wonderful to hear from Brad Aldrich again for our Marriage Monday post. We realize at Hope at Home that your relationship with your spouse is the primary relationship in your home. We don't want to focus on our children alone. As we bless our marriages, we bless our children!
You will be able to meet Brad and his wife Kate at HOPE AT HOME 2012.
Early Bird Registration Rates are good until August 15, so take a moment to register by clicking HERE.
Ahh, Sunday mornings. The glorious day the family cheerily walks arm in arm into church ready to worship God with beaming smiles!
As my alarm clock screams and I try desperately to shake the sleep out of my eyes and the kids out of bed the illusion of that happy church day dream quickly disappears.
Sunday Chaos
A while back Kate and I noticed a pattern. We noticed that the most likely time for us to get into an argument was in the 10 minutes before we got the family into the car to head to church. After a few of these arguments happened we started to talk about it.
The truth was there was only one difference about this day from any other. Sure we were trying to get everyone out the door on a time schedule, but that happens frequently. The one difference was the destination.
All of the sudden these disagreements took on a different flavor, we recognized that this was not simply a case of being over tired, losing shoes, or my missing my morning cup of coffee. This was an attack.
We Are Not Alone
As we started talking to other couples we discovered that we were not the only ones that had pretty horrible experiences on Sunday morning. I actually suspect that 8:30 am Sunday is the most argued over time of the week!
John 10:10 says it well, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (NLT) What do you think the “thief” would like to steal most?
- Our time worshiping Christ.
- Our children learning about Christ.
- Our family walking arm and arm together to go to church. (ok that might be a little too “Leave It To Beaver”, but you get the idea)
It’s Time To Fight Back
Recognizing that we are under attack on Sunday morning’s has helped me take a different attitude for the moment my alarm goes off. No longer do I hear its dulcet tones easing me out of sleep, on Sunday mornings I hear a battle cry!
Ephesians 6: 10-18 echoes in my ears as I get ready for the day.

I’m not remembering to wear a belt I’m strapping on my Belt of Truth! Forget shoes, it’s time to put on the gospel of peace!
Trust me on Sunday’s those shoes of peace come in mighty handy! I still feel the potential to jump into conflicts. I still feel irritated when the kids can’t seem to locate their left shoe or drip toothpaste down their clean shirt when we should have left five minutes ago. Remembering Peace, Truth, Righteousness, Faith, Salvation and of course the Sword of the Sprit helps me to keep my cool.
A Special Job for The Men
Men, I believe it is our chance to lead the way Sunday mornings! We should be the first out of bed, the first to help the others find that lost shoe, and the first to get the hair bows in straight. We should also be extra sure that we have our feet fitted with the Gospel of peace! And if necessary remember that peace when it’s time to put that foot in your mouth! If you lead with your attitude, your enthusiasm and your time, then your family will follow!
They may not be linking arms singing their way in the church doors, but having them all there with smiles ready to worship God is worth it!