Monday, April 21, 2014


From Beth:

It's what we parents do. We hunt for treasure. There isn't a day that goes by that hasn't given me the opportunity to seek out the treasure in my children. Now, I don't always take that opportunity, nevertheless, it is always there. 
In the house of the righteous there is much treasure (Proverbs 15:6)
There is indeed much treasure in each one of my children. But sometimes, (not always, but definitely sometimes) the treasure is hidden. 

In the days of Nehemiah the Jews had experienced a wonderful God-ordained rescue from captivity. Even so, even with a God-planned rescue, they were still living like poor squatters amongst the rubble of their past.

It is not so different for some of our children, is it? Adoption has delivered each one from his or her life in an orphanage, or from some form of life that simply could not support them. Even so, some of our treasured ones still live as orphans in one manner or another. Maybe your child hides and hoards food, or lies for no apparent reason despite appropriate consequences, or has fits of rage, or directs hateful words towards you despite your consistent acts of love, or is terrified of being left, or is inappropriately affectionate with strangers, or.... or.... or......

When God brought His people out of their captivity and back to Jerusalem, their true home, the walls and the gates of the city were a burnt out rubble. The walls that provided definition and boundaries were severely compromised. The walls that gave the city identity were in ruin. 

And the gates that provided access for what is allowed and good and whole, and protection from what is not allowed and unsafe, and unwelcome, were wrecked.
The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire. (Nehemiah 1:3)
And it is in this context of parenting that I have become a treasure hunter. Amidst the rubble of my child's past I seek out the treasure in him.

My parenting becomes less about correcting the ripple-effect behaviors that reverberate from the enormous impact of their relinquishment, and more about Calling forth the Treasure that is hidden amidst the rubble and destruction. 

I become, in effect, a Treasure Hunter.

I know it is there, for it is revealed to me by the One who put it there in the first place. 
I know it is there, because sometimes I can see it clearly. What joy! 
And I have the honor to uncover and release this treasure. It is what parents do.  

What is the treasure in your child? What gifts has God given? What talents?

These questions have helped me so many times when I am walking through the rubble of my child's pain and am tempted to see only according to the flesh.

As we go about the work of adoption--that is the transformation of an orphan into a True Son or Daughter--as we go about rebuilding the walls of identity and restoring the broken places, let us seek the treasure in our precious children.

Let's remind each one, (and ourselves too!) that a child is not defined by his point of loss or weakest moments. Each son and each daughter is defined by the beautiful treasure of who God created them to be.

I see that one child has a strong mercy gift, another is called to be a leader, and another is gifted to be a way-maker, and another is a faithful friend. It is my job not to allow the work of rebuilding walls and gates to cause me to forget the beautiful treasures that are sometimes hidden, but never destroyed.

Father God, help me to treasure hunt today. Show me enough of the treasure in my child that is Your amazing work in him/her so that I never lose sight of the honor and joy of uncovering and releasing such beauty. 


  1. Beth this is brilliant. thank you friend. Much love, Angie

    1. So glad you liked this Angie. Thanks so much for that encouraging comment! I hope you are your sweet family are well.
