Thursday, May 22, 2014

SO, WHAT IF....?

From Beth:

These 2 words keep coming up in my life lately. And then I read this great Journey to Surrender blog post from Scott Means and realized, I am going to have to pay attention! 

One of the things I just loved about Scott's "What If" post is this statement, "I don't do what if."
Oh wow, that is something to live by right there fellow adoptive and foster parents! 

How many times have we what if'd our way through the day?

  • What if I'm not a good enough parent?
  • What if we can't raise the money we need?
  • What if the caseworker finds something wrong in our home study?
  • What if our adoption is harmful to our children already home?
  • What if my child does not attach?
  • What if I don't love my child?
  • What if this behavior never improves?
  • What if my marriage does not recover from this strain?
  • What if we never feel normal as a family again?
  • What if my children don't follow Jesus when they get older?

The list could go on and on, right? As Scott point's out, all these what if's find their roots in doubt, worry and fear.
And what does that get us? One of the lessons I have learned in this adoption journey is that parenting in fear does not work
Never Ever. 

I've given a good solid try my friends! I am learning to be like Scott and simply not "do" what if.
Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. (Philippians 4:6 AMP)
But, here is the really exciting part--Scott goes on to imagine what it would be like if we didn't just stop at what we won't do, but rather turned that inclination to what if our way through life into something positive and life-giving. 

What would it be like if I released my inner what iffer on some of God's promises for my children?
What would it look like if my what ifs were based in God's revealed nature, in His promises, in His love for me? 

As much as I love saying "I don't do what if," I love this new kind of what if even more!

So my friends, What If?
  • What if God is faithful to me as an adoptive parent?
  • What if God heals the trauma in my children?
  • What if our family becomes stronger through adoption?
  • What if all my children serve the Lord and Not One turns away from Him?
  • What if God provides for all of our needs?
  • What if His Father's heart for my children replaces the orphan spirit that threatens to steal away the joy of adoption? 
And how about this:
  • What if I find joy and peace in the journey?
  • What if my marriage actually gets stronger as we team up together to live out the call on our lives?
  • What if my children see the gospel of grace lived out in our home in a way that releases healing?
I'm on a roll now!
  • What if God is actually who He says He is?
  • What if it is not actually all about me?
  • What if Jesus' work on the cross actually is enough, for me, and for my marriage, and for my children?
  • What if it actually isn't up to me to get it all right so that my children will turn out alright?
I am what iffing my way into JOY! 

Leave us a comment with your what ifs. What is one of your fear-based what ifs? What is one of your promise-based what ifs?


  1. FABULOUS! I am printing this out as a DAILY REMINDER!

  2. Dawn, thank you so much for this encouragement--so glad you liked it! I know that I just love the idea of kingdom what ifs and I'm trying to what if like that now too! Daily reminder for sure!
